Monday, December 30, 2019

Why the US Government Cant End Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration into the United States is a highly profitable proposition for both employers and the U.S. government, and it also benefits Mexico, which is the largest source country of undocumented immigrants into the US. The US and Mexican governments actively entice illegal immigrants to enter this country and to work illegally for profit-hungry U.S. employers. Poverty-stricken immigrants , who are often desperate to house and feed their families, respond to the financial enticements...and then are blamed by U.S. citizenry for illegally being in the US. The purpose of this 4-part article is to explain why the US federal government cant afford and doesnt soon plan to to end illegal immigration. Part 1 - United States Borders Are Barely EnforcedTen million illegal immigrants live in the US, according to estimates by academic and government agencies, although Bear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population may be as high as 20 million people. About 75% of undocumented immigrants arrive across the US southern border with Mexico, and hail from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia and other Central and South American countries. The bulk...about 50% of all illegals....are Mexican-born people. Time magazine stated in 2004 that illegal immigration accelerated under the Bush Administration, with the US gaining 3 million additional illegal immigrant residents in 2004. A third of all illegal immigrants in the US live in California. Other states with large illegal populations are, in descending order, Texas, New York, Illinois, Florida and Arizona. After more than 100 years in existence, President Bush dissolved the US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)in March 2003 and absorbed it into the new Homeland Security Department, along with FEMA and dozens of other federal agencies created to help citizens and residents. Until its dissolution, the INS had been part of the Justice Department since 1940, and before that, part of the US Labor Department. After the September 11, 2001 tragedy, the Bush Administration complained that the INS was insufficiently focused on deporting and expelling illegal immigrants, and thus asked that it be transferred to Homeland Security. The US Border Patrol is charged with the responsibility of enforcing illegal immigration across US borders. Until 2003, the Border Patrol was part of the INS, but was also folded into Homeland Security (as a separate agency from INS). The massive US intelligence agencies overhaul passed by Congress and signed by President Bush in January 2005 required Homeland Security to hire 10,000 more Border Patrol agents, 2,000 per year starting immediately. The Border Patrol currently employs 9,500 agents who patrol 8,000 miles of border. But Bush Administration ignored the law mandating the hiring of new agents. Said Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) to CNNs Lou Dobbs, Unfortunately, the White House ignored the law, and only asked us for 200 more agents. Thats unacceptable. Culberson was referring to the federal budget for 2006 in which President Bush provided funds for only 210 new agents, not 2,000 additional agents. Both houses of Congress worked together twice in 2005 to bypass the White House, and hire 1,500 new Border Patrol agents......500 shy of that required by law, but far surpassing the mere 210 planned by President Bush. The US-Mexico border remains significantly under-patrolled. On October 7, 2005, 80 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to the President, calling on him to enforce immigration laws, and deferring consideration of the White Houses proposed guest-worker immigration program. History has shown that enforcement provisions are ignored and underfunded... said the Congressional letter. Meanwhile, Congressman Culberson told CNNs Lou Dobbs on October 7, 2005, Weve got a full-scale war going on our southern border. You dont need to go to Iraq to see a war. Weve got widespread lawlessness...We need boots on the ground...ASAP. Part 2 - Widespread Poverty and Hunger in MexicoAccording to the World Bank, 53% of Mexico population of 104 million residents live in poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2 a day. Close to 24% of Mexicos population live in extreme poverty, which means they live on less than $1 a day. The bottom 40% of Mexican households share less than 11% of the countrys wealth. Millions live in extreme poverty,and children are compelled to work on the streets in order to help provide food for their families. Unemployment in Mexico is realistically estimated near 40%, and there are no government unemployment benefits. There are also virtually no welfare benefits to provide the basics for poverty-stricken, often-starving women, children and families. Poverty wasnt always as pervasive as it is today in Mexico. In 1983, the devaluation of the Mexican peso triggered an explosion of US-owned factories, called maquiladoras, along the Mexican side of the US-Mexico border. Corporations closed thousands of factories within US borders, and relocated them to Mexico to take advantage of cheaper labor costs, few required benefits and legally-acceptable poorer working conditions. Hundreds of thousands of poor Mexican workers and their families moved to northernmost Mexico to labor in the maquiladoras. Within ten years, though, those same US corporations closed the maquiladoras, and again relocated factories, this time to Asia, which proffered even cheaper labor costs, no benefits and often abject working conditions acceptable to local governments. Those hundreds of thousands of Mexican workers in the maquiladoras, and their families, were left with nothing. No benefits, no severance. Nothing. To complicate economic matters more, Mexicos 1994-95 privatization of its banking and telecommunications industries thrust millions more into poverty with increased consumer prices, rising unemployment and wage and benefit cuts. Mexicos massive privatizations in 1994-95 also created a new privileged class of home-grown millionaires and billionaires. As of 2002, Mexico ranked fourth in the world in billionaires, behind the US, Japan and Germany. To summarize thusfar, millions of Mexican families live in soul-stripping poverty...unemployed, hungry, without healthcare...and the US border with Mexico is significantly under-enforced. Part 3 - US Employers Routinely Hire Illegal Immigrants, With Little PenaltyIn March 2005, Wal-Mart, a company with $285 billion in annual sales. was fined $11 million for having untold hundreds of illegal immigrants nationwide clean its stores. The federal government boasts its the largest of its kind. But for Wal-Mart, it amounts to a rounding error---and no admittance of wrongdoing since it claims it didnt know its contractors hired the illegals wrote the Christian Science Monitor on March 28, 2005. If it werent so easy for illegals and employers to skirt worker ID verification, the settlements requirement that Wal-Mart also improve hiring controls might have a ripple effect in corporate America. but the piddling fine will hardly deter businesses from hiring cheap labor from a pool of illegals thats surged by 23 percent since 2000....But enforcement is pathetically inadequate, especially since 9/11. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provides for sanctions against businesses that hire undocumented workers, which means workers without proper identification. The legislation was enacted once Mexico-US border maquiladoras run by US corporations began closing, and those workers streamed across the border, searching for jobs of any kind. But heres the rub. In 1999, under President Bill Clinton, the US government collected $3.69 million in fines from 890 companies for employing undocumented workers. In 2004, under President George Bush, the federal government collected $188,500 from 64 companies for such illegal employment practices. And in 2004, the Bush Administration levied NO fines for US companies employing undocumented workers. In 21st-century America, its an unspoken agreement between employer, the undocumented employee and the federal government: the employee provides acceptable ID that appears authentic, the employer asks no questions, and the US government looks the other way. Fake ID...Social Security cards, US permanent residency cards (i.e. green cards), US temporary employment authorization cards....are readily available for about $100 to $200 in every major American city,and plenty of smaller ones, too. Wrote reporter Eduardo Porter in an April 5, 2005 New York Times article, Currently available for about $150 on street corners in just about any immigrant neighborhood in California, a typical fake ID package includes a green card and a Social Security card. It provides cover for employers, who, if asked, can plausibly assert that they believe all their workers are legal. Why would employers hire undocumented workers? As one person in Arizona noted, It looks like entering the US through the desert as undocumented immigrants is some kind of employment screening test administered by the US government for the hospitality, construction and recreation industries. Willing to work at the most dangerous jobs, an immigrant a day will also die in the work place, even while for others the work place has become safer over the last decade. And undocumented workers, grateful for any job, will work for lower wages and minimal or no benefits, therefore enabling employers to make higher business profits. Cheaper labor costs and lesser working conditions equal greater profits for business owners. In a January 2005 World Net Daily article, a report by investment firm Bear Stearns was cited that clearly illustrates that millions of US jobs have shifted from the legal workforce as employers have systematically replaced American workers with lower wage illegal aliens. For illegal immigrants, its about finding any work to feed, clothe and shelter their families. For employers, its about profits. But why would the US government look the other way, allowing employers to replace American workers with undocumented workers from other countries? ...experts blame the twin pressures of ethnic advocacy and business interests reports the Christian Science Monitor. Translation....ethnic advocacy means buying favor...and votes....within the illegal immigrant community. If an immigrant doesnt vote, he/she has relatives who do. In the 21st century, Hispanics surpassed African-Americans as the largest ethnic group in the United States. Many believe that the Bush Administrations lack of immigration enforcement in 2004 was directly connected to the Republican Partys goal to court the Hispanic vote, and to entice Hispanics to join Republican ranks. interests means profits. When labor costs are lower, business profits are higher. When thousands of businesses have higher profits, then the US business community is stronger (and happier). More votes and more voter perception of success. A major economic drawback, though, to allowing thousands...probably millions...of US businesses to pay under-market wages and benefits to undocumented workers is that it depresses wages for all workers in the US. All Americans workers, then have decreased incomes, lower benefits and higher rates of poverty and hunger. An obvious moral drawback to allowing US businesses to pay under-market, lower than even minimum wage rates, is that its wrong. Minimum wage and standard minimal working conditions are established to humanely provide for the safety and welfare of all workers...not just American-born workers. Its a matter of decency and human rights, rooted in the United States Christian-Judeo heritage. Its wrong and exploitative, and its immoral. Its an updated form of economic slavery. Writes Dr. Groody, Immigrants die cutting North Carolina tobacco and Nebraska beef, chopping down trees in Colorado, welding a balcony in Florida , trimming grass at a Las Vegas golf course, and falling from scaffolding in Georgia.... With an economic gun at their backs, they leave their homes because hunger and poverty pushes them across the border....Every day, immigrants dehydrate in deserts, drown in canals, freeze in mountains and suffocate in tractor trailers. As a result, the death toll has increased 1,000 percent in some places. And theres one more reason why would the US government would look the other way, thus allowing US employers to replace American workers with undocumented workers from other countries. A huge, seemingly insurmountable reason. A $7 billion a year problem: Social Security. Part 4 - Undocumented Workers Give $7 Billion Annually to Social SecurityAccording to a New York Times article on April 5, 2005, ...the estimated seven million or so illegal immigrant workers in the United States are now providing the system with a subsidy of as much as $7 billion a year....Moreover, the money paid by illegal immigrants and their employers is factored into all the Social Security Administrations projections. However,since illegal immigrant workers are here illegally, and ostensibly presented fake ID to the US employer, they will never collect Social Security benefits. For illegal immigrants, Social Security numbers are simply a tool needed to work on this side of the border. Retirement does not enter the picture, reports the New York Times. The Social Security Administration remains solvent in large part due to deductions taken from the paychecks of illegal immigrant workers, yet Social Security will never pay benefits to those workers. The workers pay in, but they never receive back. Wouldnt the federal government detect fake Social Security numbers? According to that April 6, 2005 New York Times article, Starting in the late 1980s, the social Security Administration received a flood of W-2 earnings reports with incorrect---sometimes simply fictitious---Social Security numbers. It stashed them in what it calls the earnings suspense file in the hope that someday it would figure out whom they belonged to. The file has been mushrooming ever since: $189 billion worth of wages ended up recorded in the suspense file over the 1990s, two and a half times the amount of the 1980s. In the current decade, the file is growing, on average, by more than $50 billion a year, generating $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security tax revenue and about $1.5 billion in Medicare taxes. ...the mismatched W-2s fit like a glove on illegal immigrants known geographic distribution and the patchwork of jobs they typically hold. An audit found that more than half of the 100 employers filing the most earnings reports with false social Security numbers from 1997 through 2001 came from just three states: California, Texas and Illinois. As shown by this information, the federal bureaucracy clearly knows which companies employ probable illegal immigrant workers, and it even knows which workers are likely illegals. And the government does nothing about it. Not one penalty was levied by the federal government against an employer in 2004 for hiring undocumented workers. SUMMARY The equation to explain the whys of illegal immigration into the US is simple: Add: Widespread abject poverty and starvation in Mexico after US corporations relocated their cheap-labor plants from the US-Mexico border to Asia, and after Mexican banks and telecommunications were privatized, creating dozens of instant billionaires and plunging millions into poverty. Add: An extremely porous, under-enforced US-Mexico border. Add: US employers anxious for more profits, and willing to exploit the poverty and fears of illegal immigrants to do so. Add: The federal government anxious to curry favor with , and garner votes from, business owners and the Hispanic community...thus, willing to under-enforce borders and immigrations laws, and ignore illegal hiring by employers. Add: The Social Security Administration dependent on taking in $7 billion annually of contributions from illegal immigrant workers who will never receive benefits from the system. THE RESULT: Millions of illegal immigrants working for low wages and in poor working conditions, grateful for scraps to fall from the US table of prosperity, per Dr. Groody. Wealthier US businesses, and a much-richer Social Security Administration, neither which reimburse local and state authorities and taxpayers for the costs (education, health care, law enforcement and more) associated with illegal immigrants. And a very angry US citizenry, who vilify immigrants for being here, rather than blaming the business owners who hire and exploit them, the US government which lets them enter the US and profits greatly from them, and the Mexican government which is happy to see them immigrate out of their country. Our nation virtually posts two sign on its southern border: Help Wanted: Inquire Within and Do Not Trespass, says Pastor Robin Hoover of Humane Borders. Without the help of immigrant labor, the US economy would virtually collapse. We want and need cheap immigrant labor, but we do not want the immigrants.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Death Be Not Proud - 1025 Words

COURSE # AND TITLE: ENGL 102-D11: Literature and Composition SEMESTER OF ENROLLMENT: Spring 2013 NAME: Greg Mohnkern ID: L23191458 WRITING STYLE USED: Essay of poetry (MLA style) Thesis Statement: â€Å"Death be not proud† by John Donne personifies death, as its title aptly prescribes. Giving death human traits allows the writer to blast him with colorful images full of sarcasm and a tone of defiance. The ultimate message of the author provokes the human soul to resist the fear of death. Outline: Introduction: Thesis statement Transition: Discuss the writer’s life in relationship to the subject of the poem Body: Discuss the poem’s form based on the 14-line Petrarch sonnet Evaluate the mood and tone as it†¦show more content†¦Donne’s poem is written in the traditional 14-line format of a sonnet, â€Å"which was the vogue†¦ in England at the end of the sixteenth century† according to authors Kennedy and Gioia in Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry , Drama and Writing ( 574). Donne lived from 1572-1631 (Kennedy 744). â€Å"The sonnet owes much of its prestige to Petrarch,† (Kennedy 574) an Italian poet. â€Å"English poets †¦(eventually) worked out their own rhyme scheme,† (Kennedy 574) which would explain why this isn’t a true Patrarchan sonnet. Donne’s penned work naturally breaks his thoughts and the poem into three quatrains and a couplet. His thoughts come to a conclusion after lines 4, 8 and 14 with the use of periods, as well as a question mark for line 12, noting the end-stops. The rhyme scheme in American English is abba, abba, cddc ae, but if spoken with an English a ccent, the final couplet could reasonably be interpreted as aa, which would appear to be more likely. In his first quatrain, Donne approaches â€Å"Death† as if it was standing in front of him. In a defiant tone, he tells him â€Å"Death be not be proud†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1). He builds his defiance by telling â€Å"Death† that, in spite of what others may have told him, he isn’t â€Å"mighty† (2) or â€Å"dreadful† (2). The sarcasm climaxes as Donne tells â€Å"Death† the reality that those whom he thinks he has slain really aren’t dead, nor can â€Å"Death† slay thisShow MoreRelatedDeath Be Not Proud1269 Words   |  6 PagesCoursework John Donne and Tony Harrison both discuss death in their poems. They were written in different eras and both poems have different views on this subject. John Donne had a rather privileged upbringing as he was born into a prosperous family and studied law at Oxbridge. Donne, however, was also unfortunate as he lost is father very early in his life and this could have affected his views on death. Tony Harrison on the other hand was born into a proud working class family in Leeds. Harrison’s poemRead MoreDeath, Be Not Proud1661 Words   |  7 PagesDeath â€Å"Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnet 10)† by John Donne dramatizes the conflict between the perception and the reality of death, through the use of imagery. The speaker completely talks down the common perception of death, stating that even though many have called it â€Å"mighty and dreadful,† it really is not. The speaker compares death to sleep, which is generally an enjoyable thing. The personification of death is something that is popular in culture. Death is often depicted as a skeletal characterRead More Death Be Not Proud Essay821 Words   |  4 Pagesto die? In the memoir Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther, his son Named Johnny is faced with this situation. At an early age, Johnny was found with a brain tumor, and struggles to survive. Johnny later died from the brain tumor. Johnny was loved by many people; much of whom tried his/her best to help Johnny through this ordeal. Although Johnny was faced with death, Johnny faced death with courage throughout the book. Even though Johnny was faced with death, he faced death with courage. Johnny showedRead MoreDeath, Be Not Proud by John Donne755 Words   |  4 Pages In John Donne’s sonnet â€Å"Death, Be Not Proud† death is closely examined and Donne writes about his views on death and his belief that people should not live in fear of death, but embrace it. â€Å"Death, Be Not Proud† is a Shakespearean sonnet that consists of three quatrains and one concluding couplet, of which I individually analyzed each quatrain and the couplet to elucidate Donne’s arguments with death. Donne converses with death, and argues that death is not the universal destroyer of life. He elaboratesRead MoreDeath Be Not Proud By John Donne1329 Words   |  6 PagesThe progression of societal beliefs regarding our approach towards death is dependent upon the changing nature of both cultural and historical contexts. In Donne’s Holy Sonnet ‘Death be not proud’ he uses second person narration to address â€Å"Death† as â€Å"thou†, â€Å"thee† and â€Å"thy†, death is not considered conceptually bu t anthropomorphised as the poems fundamental pride. In ‘Death be not proud’, we see how the rumination of death is shaped by Elizabethan values. Through the subverted Petrarchan structureRead MoreDeath, Be Not Proud, By John Donne1303 Words   |  6 PagesDeath and mortality are common themes widely used throughout poetry and other numerous works of literature. As well as this, death is a common occurrence in life, and though most people refuse to accept or acknowledge it, everyone must deal with it at some point in their lifetime. Whether it be the death of a family member, friend, or the final stages of your own life you will experience death in some way. In the poems, â€Å"Death, be not proud† and â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† the speakersRead MoreDeath Be Not Proud By John Donne1908 Words   |  8 PagesJohn Donne’s poem, â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† (1633), is only one of the impressive poems in his collection: The Holy S onnets. In â€Å"Death Be Not Proud†, Donne expresses his Anglican beliefs as he addresses death’s fraudulent image and unjustified pride. Donne’s audience is death, but his poem is also intended for its  readers, who  Ã¢â‚¬Å"some have called [death] / Mighty and dreadful† (1-2). He begins the poem with a calm, conversational tone, but becomes more aggressive and expositive as his poem progresses.Read MoreJohn Donne Death Be Not Proud Analysis799 Words   |  4 PagesIs Death the Finale? Death has always been an intriguing topic in literature. Writers have been confounded by the idea of death and the unknown afterlife for centuries. Some people believe death is the end of all things because nothing can withstand it. In John Donne’s poem, â€Å"Death, be not proud,† the poet explains his personal understanding of death and its permanence. This poem is a narrative sonnet. Although this sonnet follows the rhyme scheme of an Italian sonnet (abba cddc effe gg), it alsoRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne745 Words   |  3 PagesThe Holy Sonnet, â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† written by John Donne. He was the founder of metaphysical poems in the Elizabeth period and a religious figure. A Metaphysical Poetic style maybe philosophical and spiritual subjects that were approached with reason and often concluded in paradox. Metaphysical poets examined serious questions about existence of God the Holy Sonnet 10 was one of nineteen other Holy So nnets he wrote. Donne was famous for his poems of life, death, and religion. This poem was writtenRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne1488 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout his poems, John Donne uses literary devices, such as imagery and diction, to discuss an overarching theme of death along with its religious implications, done most noticeably in the Holy Sonnet â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† and the lyrical poem â€Å"Hymn to God, My God, In My Sickness.† He also elaborates on the complexity of emotion, particularly in the metaphysical love poem, â€Å"The Flea.† Donne’s witty and clever style paired with his affinity for social and religious commentary allows his works to

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Pepsi vs Coke Brand Positioning Free Essays

Week 5: Branding and Positioning Reading: * Articles – Please be sure to read all articles and view all videos listed. They are short but insightful. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi vs Coke Brand Positioning or any similar topic only for you Order Now Interbrand Names 100 Best Global Brands http://www. marketingpilgrim. com/2010/09/interbrand-names-100-best-global-brands. html 2. What Pamp;G Taught Me About Brands http://maxbrandequity. com/Documents/What%20PG%20taught%20me%20about%20Brands. pdf 3. The Power of Brand Equity http://www. thinkingleaders. om/archives/964 Questions: Write what you believe are the current global brand positionings for Coke and Pepsi (the brands, not the companies)? Few other companies in the world have been able to construct and manage their brands as well as these companies. Much of the successful of these companies can be attributed to way in which they have managed their soft drink brands. Coke has positioned itself as an integral, crucial part of people’s everyday lives. The brand, particularly through its commercials, creates intimacy with its consumers by evoking memories and experiences with the brand and their unique selling proposition â€Å"live the Coke side of life† is a prime example of this. It’s an invitation to live on the positive side of life, with Coke. It invites people to create their own positive reality and overall says, only Coke will do because essentially, Coke is happiness in a bottle. Importantly, from a global marketing perspective, it allows each country the opportunity to interpret their own moments of happiness and the brand’s role in those moments. Pepsi’s new global brand positioning (announced this year) is reflected in their caption â€Å"Live for Now† which invites and inspires Pepsi fans to live each moment to the fullest through a breadth of global, pop-culture platforms, including relationships with music and entertainment brand evangelists, digital innovation, epic events and unique partnerships. This positioning enables the brand to pursue new partnerships with some of the world’s leading artists and entertainment properties. Do you believe the global positioning is different from the positioning these brands are utilizing in your home country? If yes, please provide the positioning in your home country and explain why you think it is different. The global positioning of Coke and Pepsi is the same around the world by way of general theme and overall message, however due to the differences in culture and society across the globe, the execution of the company’s respective positionings must be different for each of the markets that they serve. As each country/region of the world is quite different, it is imperative that the message is tailored in a way that is relevant and best captures the target market. For example, the recent Coke advertisement in Australia depicts a group of friends playing around on a boat off the coast (presumably of Australia) which clearly taps into the Australian beach culture. This message of joy and happiness is still carried but it’s made more relevant to the particular market which it is serving by the way in which the message is constructed and contextualised. The Interbrand report indicates that the Coke brand is much more valuable as an asset than the Pepsi brand. Please explain why you believe this is true, being sure to comment on: a. Strength of positioning – Coke has positioned itself more emotively than Pepsi as is evident in many of Coke‘s advertisements over the years which moreso depict the human experience through a strong emphasis on families and the community. b. Key points of parity and points of difference – both emotive in their message, but different in that Coke really taps into the general consumer’s happy experience with the brand, whereas Pepsi I believe is more targeted (particularly to the youth market) and has the image of being high-energy and action-oriented, and I think a large part of their target audience associate themselves with the brand because of that image. They are similar in that both brands consider themselves to be bold and refreshing. c. Whether any of these points of difference are competitive advantages – Coke’s positioning, with its strong association to feelings of joy and happiness, I believe gives it a competitive advantage in that these feelings and positive connections with happiness give it timeless appeal, whereas Pepsi seems to be more in-the-moment and almost â€Å"timely† by comparison. Coke, I feel, represents a state of permanent happiness whereas Pepsi is all about excitement, which we all know, is an emotion that is often fleeting. This position of happiness/longevity, I believe, is more attractive to consumers. . Line extension strategy Having a strong brand that consumers are loyal to allows an organization to extend its line of products and bring to market new products more easily. If Coke’s brand is stronger and better positioned (which I believe it is), then by extension, it will be of greater value since the introduction of new products can more easily be made, and therefore, new revenue streams open up for the company. There are, of course, risks associated with line extension, however if managed well, leveraging an existing brand can be of enormous financial benefit to a company. . International presence – I think Coke’s broader appeal to such human states as joy and happiness allows the brand to resonate more strongly across cultures whereas Pepsi, with its greater reliance on pop-culture and entertainment artists makes it more restricted in its global reach. Clearly, Michael Jackson will have less appeal in a developing country than in the United States, however Coke’s association with feelings of joy, family and life more generally can, as a message, be more easily carried across borders and into countries. How to cite Pepsi vs Coke Brand Positioning, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy

Question: Discuss about the Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy. Answer: Introduction: Acute kidney injury is an illness that is depicted by sudden loss of the ability of the kidney to filter out waste from the body. This condition is characterized by compiled end products that consist of urea and creatinine. The patient had been diagnosed to have a low urine output, increased metabolic acids in the body and having high levels of phosphorus and potassium in the system (Bagshaw, 2009). The physical assessment included evaluation of fluid status that depicted the final information from the albumin and saline reaction that gave the comparison in saline that was isotonic- reaction of four percent albumin in the patient and 0.9% of normal saline, signs of acute and chronic heart failure, infections present and drug history of the drugs recently used. Recent blood transfusion, if the patient had undergone any surgical procedure, the patient had lost weight and he was dehydrated. The blood pressure of the patient had also decreased significantly over two weeks period. The patient also depicted blueish finger tips, and had swellings in the lower back (Uchino, 2007). Acute kidney failure is commonly caused by a variety of causes. It can occur if the patient has a condition that reduces the pace of blood flow in the body, if the kidneys are damaged and if the ureters are clogged and thus hampering the release of waste from the body. Blood flow in the body can be hampered by reduced blood in the body, failure of the liver, if one is severely dehydrated, if one has used medications such as naproxen, heart attack and infections of the heart. The kidneys can be damaged if there are clots of blood in the body, kidney blockage due to high levels of cholesterol in the body, swelling of the kidneys, utilization of chemotherapy drugs, indulgence in alcohol consumption and inflammation of the blood vessels (Waikar, 2009). Clinical priorities that are important to patients suffering from acute kidney injury include rehydration this implies that the patients blood pressure is less than a hundred mmHg and they should be administered with a bolus of 250ml of crystalloid. They can also be checked to see if their ureters are blocked. The patients should also cease utilization of nephrotoxic medications. Urinalysis should also be performed on the patient and intensify as per the medication policies (Tumlin, 2008). The goals of the patient were: he wanted to heal quickly so that he could fend for his family, the patient desired that he could regain his lost weight and he desired to have his normal finger tips without the bluish appearance. Interventions performed on the patient were: controlling his blood sugar, he was rehydrated too so that the fluid levels in the body could increase. Nursing care that the patient received included administering of excessive fluids, reduction of the risk of unconventional nutritional guide, reduction of the chances of being infected, impacting of the patient with the relevant knowledge about the disease and reduction of the risk of having a cardiac arrest. Medical intervention provided included the rectification of the high acid with administration of a bicarbonate and rectification of defects of hematologic properties anemia. References Bagshaw SM, Uchino S, Bellomo R, et al. Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy for the Kidney (BEST Kidney) Investigators.. J Crit Care2009 Uchino S, Bellomo R, Kellum JA, and the Beginning and Ending Supportive Therapy for the Kidney (BEST Kidney). Int J Artif Organs Tumlin J, Wali R, Williams W, et al. Effi cacy and safety of renal tubule cell therapy for acute renal failure. J Am Soc Nephrol 2008 Golestaneh L, Melamed DL, Hostetter TH. Uremic memory: the role of acute kidney injury in long-term outcomes. Kidney Int 2009